San Antonio Orthopaedic Specialists - Hip, Knee, & Shoulder Orthopedic Doctors

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What Implant Is Best for a knee replacement?

Dr. Broome has done his research and after comparing the options, he has chosen a specific brand of implant for his patients.

What KneE Implant is Dr. Broome’s favorite?

We asked Dr. Broome what his favorite knee implant is to use for knee replacement surgery he said, “My preferred knee implant is one from a company called Smith + Nephew because they’re the only company with a black metallic surface called oxidized zirconium. It behaves like a ceramic, so when you put it on the polyethylene spacer, there’s going to be less wear over time.” The natural knee is not perfectly round and this implant mimics the natural knee best, that is why Dr. Broome chooses Smith & Nephew. PLUS — Smith & Nephew Implants are customized to better fit your specific knee anatomy. Click here to learn more.

Knee Anatomy

The knee joint is a complex structure, consisting of four bones and multiple ligaments. The femur (thigh bone), tibia (shinbone), patella (kneecap), and fibula are the four bones that make up the knee joint. These four bones are held together by numerous ligaments such as the anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament which provide stability to the knee joint.

What Is A Knee Replacement?

Knee Replacement surgery, also known as total knee arthroplasty, is a procedure in which the damaged or diseased parts of the knee are replaced with artificial components. During this procedure, the ends of the femur and tibia bones are cut, and the damaged portions of cartilage and bone are removed. The artificial components include a metal femoral component, which takes the place of the femur's rounded end; a metal tibial component, which substitutes for the top surface of the tibia; and a plastic spacer between them to provide cushioning.

What Should You Ask Your surgeon before a knee replacement?

It is very important as a patient to do your research and ask your surgeon questions. You want to make sure your surgeon is going to use an implant that is going to last the longest and has the least amount of likelihood of failing.

We are patient-focused orthopedic specialists dedicated to providing our local community in San Antonio, Texas, with the highest quality orthopedic services. Our board-certified physicians have all been fellowship subspecialty trained, and we are committed to providing you and your loved ones with the care and attention they deserve.

Have any questions about getting a knee replacement or need a second opinion on which implant you should use? Schedule an appointment with our knee specialist here in San Antonio, Dr. Broome.